SpaceRocket’s Next Step: Building Infrastructure with Terraform and Ansible (Part 2)


SpaceRocketIaC is an Infrastructure as Code (IaC) solution for provisioning AWS resources to host a secure web application in a Docker container on an EC2 Ubuntu instance using Packer, Terraform, and Ansible. This tutorial will guide DevOps engineers through the process of deploying an Elixir/Phoenix application from Github using SpaceRocketIaC, including setting up a custom domain name, creating SSH keys, and configuring the infrastructure. By the end, you will have a fully functional, TLS-enabled Elixir Phoenix application hosted on a custom domain with secured logs and an Application Load Balancer, all managed and version-controlled with code.

Our infrastructure will consist of a VPC with internet communication through public and private route tables, routed through an internet gateway.

Getting Started with SpaceRocketIaC

Before proceeding, ensure that you have a registered domain name (e.g. and access to its nameservers. Additionally, you should have a Cloud9 IDE instance with Terraform, Packer, and Ansible installed. For instructions on how to get started on Cloud9 IDE and install Terraform, Packer, and Ansible on it, refer to previous tutorial "Implementing Infrastructure as Code with Cloud9 IDE".

SpaceRocketIaC setup

Setting up registered domain name with Route 53

In this step, we will be configuring your custom domain name (e.g. with a 'Hosted Zone' on Route 53. To begin, navigate to the AWS console and search for Route 53. Once you are in the Route 53 dashboard, select "Hosted Zones" from the left sidebar and click on "Create Hosted Zone".

Lets get it on by going to the AWS console and searching for Route 53 and then 'Hosted zones' in left sidebar.

Fill in your domain name and click 'Create hosted zone'.

After you have created the hosted zone, get the NS records.

Get the NS values from hosted zone record.

...and then add them to your domain registar, ie:

Add the NS records to your domain registrar's nameservers.

We should now have a hosted zone for on AWS Route 53 and its NS record added to the name servers of your domain registrar.

Fork and clone Github repo

Next, head over to the SpaceRocket-InfrastructureAsCode repository on GitHub ( and fork it to your own account. Once that's done, copy the HTTPS git URL from the '<> Code' button dropdown.

Next type 'git clone' and the git URL into your Cloud9IDE terminal.

git clone<GITHUB-USERNAME>/SpaceRocket-InfrastructureAsCode.git my_infra

Next change into the newly created directory, my_infra by typing: cd my_infra

Create a SSH key

To be able to ssh into the instances that are spun up, we will need SSH keys. You can create them with the following command:

ssh-keygen -f /home/ubuntu/.ssh/devops -t rsa

Terraform Variables Configuration

Our terraform.tfvars file looks like this:

vpc_cidr            = ""
key_name            = "devops_key"
public_key_path     = "/home/ubuntu/.ssh/"
private_key_path    = "/home/ubuntu/.ssh/devops_rsa"
main_instance_count = 3

Note: If ssh key name is different than devops, be sure to update the public_key_path and private_key_path values.

Prod configuration

Rename prod-example.tfvars to prod.tfvars. Fill in the values that fit your project needs.

Be sure this file is not commited to the repo (its already added to .gitignore). Consider using a key vault for any of the values you see fit.

region             = "us-east-1"
db_password        = "SecretPassword"
db_name            = "my_app_db"
db_user            = "my_app_db_user"
main_domain_name   = ""
git_url            = ""
deploy_demo_docker = false
deploy_my_app      = true
has_db             = true
cloud9_ip          = ""

The background settings are as follows:

  • region: The AWS region to launch your infrastructure in.
  • db_password: A password used for database authentication.
  • db_name: The name of the database.
  • db_user: The user of the database.
  • main_domain_name: The main domain name of a website, ie:
  • git_url: The Git URL of the app you wish to deploy. Note for your app to be deployed, deploy_my_app has to be set to true.
  • deploy_demo_docker: A boolean (true/false) Set to true to deploy a demo Docker container.
  • deploy_my_app: A boolean value indicating whether to deploy your app from the git_url provided.
  • has_db: A boolean value indicating whether a database is needed.
  • cloud9_ip: The Elastic IPv4 address for the Cloud9 IDE environment in CIDR notation, ex: See previous article on how to set up Cloud9 IDE.


Build the base Ubuntu AMI.

cd packer
packer init aws-ubuntu.pkr.hcl

Run the packer build command

packer build aws-ubuntu.pkr.hcl

Once packer has completed building the AMI, you'll be able to see your very own, private, SpaceRocketUbuntu AMI.

Once Packer finishes, you'll have your very own SpaceRocketUbuntuAMI

Run Terraform commands

First, run Terraform init command.

terraform init

Run the plan command to see what will be deployed.

terraform plan -var-file="prod.tfvars"

Note: To just test things out, you can start with deploying the demo docker container by setting deploy_demo_docker to true and deploy_my_app and has_db to false

Once that looks good, go ahead run Terraform apply with --auto-approve flag.

terraform apply -auto-approve -var-file="prod.tfvars"

When completed visit your domain name and see the demo application.

Next Steps

Now that we have successfully deployed the resources needed to run a web application inside a Docker container, the next step is to automate the process of building the Docker image and deploying it to our EC2 instances. This can be done by using tools like Jenkins or AWS CodeBuild.


SpaceRocketIaC is an efficient IaC solution for provisioning and deploying web applications on AWS. This tutorial provided a guide on using SpaceRocketIaC to set up a custom domain, create SSH keys, and configure the infrastructure. By using SpaceRocketIaC, we can streamline the process of deploying and managing web applications while maintaining version control and security. Feedback is welcome, if you have any issues or suggestions please open an issue on Github. Also, I am available for hire. Thank you for reading!